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More evidence suggests regular consumption of melatonin can reduce chances of age-related macular degeneration

A team of medical researchers from Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine and the Cleveland Clinic's Center for Ophthalmic Bioinformatics has found further evidence……

Study suggests evolutionary basis for male risk-taking behaviors

A new study from The University of Western Australia and Edith Cowan University has found evidence of what's long been suspected—that men are more likely……

Study finds fresh water and key conditions for life appeared on Earth a half-billion years earlier than thought

We need two ingredients for life to start on a planet: dry land and (fresh) water. Strictly, the water doesn't have to be fresh, but……

Composition of gut microbiota could influence decision-making

The way we make decisions in a social context can be explained by psychological, social, and political factors. But what if other forces were at…

Are we really about to talk to whales?

The past decade has seen an explosion of new research into some of the most fascinating sounds in the sea: the vocalizations of whales and……

How Black teachers lost when civil rights won in Brown v. Board

Brown v. Board of Education, the Supreme Court decision that desegregated public schools, stands in the collective national memory as a turning point in America's……

Cancer drug pollution is a growing global concern

As incidence of cancer increases globally, the use of cancer drugs is also growing at a rate of approximately 10 percent per year in developed……

Summer 2023 was northern hemisphere's hottest for 2,000 years, tree rings show

The summer of 2023 was the warmest in the non-tropical areas of the northern hemisphere for 2,000 years, a new study has shown.…

When the first warm-blooded dinosaurs roamed Earth

Scientists once thought of dinosaurs as sluggish, cold-blooded creatures. Then research suggested that some could control their body temperature, but when and how that shift…